Music and Movement
Music is an integral part of our daily curriculum. In the classroom, we introduce the children to an array of songs and nursery rhymes in our program’s languages - Mandarin, Spanish, and English. We rely heavily on songs for transitions, to help children self-regulate, and to teach vocabulary.
When we invite music specialists to visit Battery Park Montessori, they provide our children with formal music lessons in voice and rhythm.
Movement is a fundamental principle of Montessori education. Much time is spent teaching the children to develop and use large and fine motor skills and to move gracefully inside and outside of the classroom. Through freedom of movement, the child learns to respect other people and to self-monitor how his or her own actions impact others.
Children also engage in outdoor play throughout the day. The outside patio is an extension of the classroom and allows children another opportunity to refine their gross and fine motor skills while working on collaboration and respect for others.
We have invited specialists - such as yoga instructors - to provide our children with alternative ways to develop their gross and fine motor skills.